Thanks to our board’s mission and vision, we just keep getting better! It is always a challenge for the State Coordinators for the Deaf (SCDs) in our 8 states to plan and implement the conference when it is their turn to host. Support varies but the SCDs are dedicated and work very hard to make each conference successful. Other SCDs share their experiences and try to help educate the new SCDs/hosting SCDs.
Ben Hollingsworth
State Coordinator, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
256-274-4926 (Videophone)
334-467-9905 (Cell)
Cory Parker
General Manger 1; Deaf, Hard of Hearing & DeafBlind Services
850-298-8818 (Videophone)
828-582-3038 (Cell)
Ricky Alewine
Deaf Services Coordinator
706-521-3121 (Videophone)
762-347-6912 (Cell)
Amanda Friend
SCD / Branch Manager, Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Late Deafened Services
502-385-0701 (Videophone)
502-777-5955 (Cell)
Denee Smith
State Coordinator of Deaf Services / State Coordinator of Interpreting Services
601-707-9160 (Videophone)
601-853-5309 (Voice)
601-941-1614 (Cell)
Laura Robison
Rehabilitation Program Specialist on Deafness and Communicative Disorders
North Carolina
919-324-1500 (Videophone)
980-296-6755 (Office)
704-995-9824 (Cell)
Jerry Francis
Statewide Coordinator of Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services
South Carolina
803-403-8378 (Videophone)
803-896-0225 (Voice)
803-542-0467 (Cell)
Lisa Rimmell
Executive Director of Tennesse Council for the Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing
865-214-6895 (Videophone)
865-403-1562 (Voice)
865-809-0905 (Cell)
Robyn Abernathy
Member At-Large/Treasurer
256-650-1706 (Voice)
256-690-1909 (Cell)